Wild Goose Gallery &
Frameworks, LLC
A Decorative, Distinctive & Unique
Shopping Experience!
Bird Feeders & Houses
We carry many different styles and shapes of feeders and houses from wood, metal, poly, glass, plastic to gourds. Shown below are some of the different ones we carry but you can also look in the White Hall Products catalog for more selections. Also browse thru the Outdoor Poly Crafts catalog at bottom of page for awesome poly houses and feeders. Call or email us for pricing in catalog.
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Gourds painted by the Amish
Goldfinch Beehive White Star Small Stars Cat/Dog Wartie with Hat
Believe Wisteria Dream Country House Pink,Purple, Blue or White
Orange Iris Birdhouse
Blue Bird Blue, Orange or Rooster Windmill Small Roses Ladybug
Purple Flower
Home Sweet Cardinal Morning Glories Bridge Chickadee Crow
Pansies Owl Insects Lighthouse Woodpecker Oriole
Strawberry Cabin Scene Large Sunflower Large Roses Wisteria Feeder
Ivy Feeder Apple w/Hat Acorn Hummingbird Butterfly
Plain Gourds
Blue Red Brown Orange Natural
Birdhouse Birdhouse Birdhouse Birdhouse Birdhouse
Authentic redwood feeder designed for practical use and styled for natural elegance.
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Poly Lumber is made of recycled high-density polyethylene materials. It resists splintering and rotting. No need for chemical weatherproofing treatments. It is also impervious to normal wood-destroying pests. All feeders and houses can be special ordered to any color that fits your decor. Call or email us for a price on any particular item in the booklet below. All product is Amish made. All prices subject to change.
FM-99 Bluebird House
CB-98 Classic Bluebird House
HS-50 Peanut Butter Feeder
HS-60 Mini Bird Feeder
HS-61 Feeder with Heart
HS-70 Wren House
HS-71 Wren House with Heart
HS-97 Suet Feeder
PM-91 Lg. Hex Bird Feeder
PP-Post Poly Planter
PM-92 Hex Bird Feeder
HS-92 Hex Bird Feeder
PM-93 Hex Bird House
HS-93 Hex Bird House
PM-94 Lg. Rect. Feeder
HS-94 Lg. Rect. Feeder
PM-95 SM. Rect. Feeder
HS-95 SM. Rect. Feeder
PM-82 Sq. Bird Feeder
HS-82 Sq. Bird Feeder
PM-83 Sq. Bird Feeder
HS-83 Sq. Bird Feeder
PM-84 6-hole Classic Birdhouse
PM-90 Classic Hex Feeder
HS-90 Classic Hex Feeder
HS-72 Church Wren House